Fellow Resources

See below for information that can help you serve Every Voice as a fellow.

Fellowship Expectations

Regular Expectations for All Fellows

  • Include Every Voice in your bios where appropriate.
  • Promote Every Voice through available means (e.g., on campus, through social media [e.g. Facebook, Twitter]).
  • Talk about the Every Voice database within your institution (e.g., in a faculty meeting, in classes, with school librarians).
  • Recommend students for and spread the word about the Every Voice student mentoring group.
  • Be willing to review a book proposal for the Every Voice partnership with Baker Academic once a year.
  • Update fellow publication/speaking engagement document with forthcoming articles/books and speaking engagements that we can promote.

Contribute in One or More of the Following Ways

  • Submit a book proposal for the Every Voice partnership with Baker Academic.
  • Connect Every Voice with donors or people with experience in nonprofit organizations and/or fundraising.
  • Lead an Every Voice student mentoring group.
  • Recommend future authors for the Every Voice partnership with Baker Academic.
  • Find more authors and publications for the Every Voice database or enlist student and/or TA involvement.
  • Attend the Meet and Greet at SBL and represent Every Voice.
  • Help us shape website content.

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