Ethnic Minority and Majority World Journals

One way that the Western-centric focus of theological education manifests itself is through the relative lack of knowledge of non-Western journals. Contrary to what might be expected when pursuing the footnotes of most research articles, theological and biblical study is thriving in many places throughout the world and in ethnic minority communities in the West. This list provides a glimpse into some of these journals. More details—such as whether they are open source or indexed on ATLA—can be found in this downloadable spreadsheet, but the basic information for each is listed below. Additions and corrections are welcome! Please submit them here.


Asia Journal of Theology: Relates the Gospel to cultural, historical and religious situation in Asia (Chinese and English)

Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies: Shares theological reflection among Asian Pentecostals/Charismatics (English)

Bangalore Theological Forum: Focuses on Christianity, Theology, Liberation Theologies, in South Asia (English)

Ching Feng: Promotes critical and constructive studies of all aspects of Chinese Christianity (Chinese and English)

China Graduate School of Theology Journal: Focuses on Theology (Chinese and English)

Indian Theological Studies: Provides a forum for theological research conducted in India or relevant to India (English)

Indonesian Journal of Theology: Offers enriching theological discourse between inter-denominational and inter-faith theologians, especially in the Indonesian context (English and Indonesian)

International Journal of Asian Christianity: Discusses Christianity in Asia and of Asian Christian diaspora in the West and elsewhere (English)

Jian Dao: Emphasizes biblical studies (Chinese and English)

Journal of Asian Evangelical Theology: Covers all matters theological in an Asian context (English)

Journal of Asian Missiology: Trains Asians for missionary tasks (English)

Korean Journal of Christian Studies: Focuses on Christian studies (English)


Africa Journal of Evangelical Theology: Focuses on Theology and ministry in Africa (English)

Africa Journal of Gender and Religion: Emphasizes gender and sexuality in religion (English)

Africa Theological Journal: Discusses Lutheranism and African and Black Theologies (English)

Black Theology: An International Journal: Examines Black theology (English)

Bulletin for Old Testament Studies in Africa: Offers a forum for studies about Hebrew Scripture/Old Testament (English)

Journal for Semitics: Focuses on Ancient Near East and Semitic languages (English and Afrikaans)

Journal of African Christian Thought: Covers Christianity/Church History, Black Theologies, and Christian Missions/Evangelism/Apologetics in Western Africa (English)

Journal of Black Religious Thought: Advances critical scholarship in the field of Religious Studies, offering African American, African, and/or African Diaspora points of view (English).

Journal of Black Theology in South Africa: Examines African and Black theology in relation to the national struggle for liberation in South Africa (English and Afrikaans)

The Journal of the Interdenominational Theological Center: Provides Afrocentric viewpoints—African, African-American, African in Diaspora (English)

Journal of Theology for Southern Africa: Reflects theologically within the social, political and cultural context of southern Africa (English)

Newsletter on African Old Testament Scholarship: Offers a forum for studies about Hebrew Scripture/Old Testament (later became Bulletin for Old Testament studies in Africa; English)

Old Testament Essays: Researches the Old Testament  from various points of view (English, French, German, Afrikaans, Dutch and Multiple)

Scriptura: Studies Bible, religion, and theology (English and Afrikaans)

Theologia Viatorum: Offers a theology of the pilgrim and/or traveler (Afrikaans, English, and Dutch)

Verbum et Ecclesia: Examines theology and the sciences (English, Afrikaans, Northern Sotho, German, and Dutch)


Antiguo Oriente: Investigates the ancient Near East and Eastern Mediterranean from the Paleolithic to the Early Islamic Period (English, Spanish, and French)

Apuntes: Reflexiones teológicas desde el márgen hispano: Reflects theologically, biblically, and historically to enrich pastoral ministry (English and Spanish)

Cuadernos de Teología: (Spanish)

Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology: Provides Latino/a Christian scholarship in systematic, pastoral and practical theology, scriptures, ethics, and religious history (English)

Journal of Latin American Theology: Explores evangelical thinking in Latin America (English)

Kairós: Focuses on biblical studies (Spanish)

Perspectivas: Covers topics related to the Hispanic Theological Initiative (English and Spanish)

Revista de Interpretación Bíblica Latinoamericana: (Spanish)

Theologica Xaveriana: Focuses on theology (Spanish)

Traducción de la Biblia: Researches biblical translation (Spanish)

Vida y Pensamiento: Places biblical, theological, pastoral, and related disciplines in dialogue with the contemporary reality of Latin America (Spanish)


Cairo Journal of Theology: Promoting Christian scholarship about the Middle East (English and Arabic) 

Christianity in the Middle East: Examines theologically issues in the modern and historical Christian Middle East (English and Russian)

Theological Review: Focuses on theology (English, Arabic, and French)


Caribbean Journal of Evangelical Theology: Provides a forum for evangelical theology (English)